My Story

Jeramy:  Some people stumble across information that changes the direction of their life, while others may have it forced upon them.  I would be the latter.  What I was not consciously aware of however, was that I had been looking for and needing it all along!  I have spent years working as a laborer, attaining a strong education, and managing large-scale construction projects but I would go home tired, stressed and always wishing I could be more than the life I had created for myself.  I remember wishing that I could know some magical piece of information that would push me past where I felt stuck.  When my wife first began teaching me about what she was reading, I knew the information was true.   I have worked to put the information we teach to practice, and it has and continues to change every aspect of my life.  It is affecting the relationships I have with my family, myself, my community and our business in positive ways I had never before imagined.  This knowledge is a game changer, and as someone who was sick and tired of being sick and tired, I want to teach and work with others on how to change the direction of their life.

Jessica:  I love to learn.  It was not always this way, but after I obtained my degree in nursing, I found I wanted more.  I went back to school numerous times until I obtained my Doctor of Nursing Practice degree.  I love nursing, but there were things that bothered me about my job – being told when I could be promoted, having strict guidelines on when and how much I needed to work, and I missed the big leaps in learning.  I stumbled upon this type of personal development and the concepts resonated deep within my heart.  It was like turning on a light or finally having that “ah ha ” moment where abstract ideas had weight, meaning, and I knew how to apply them.  I love teaching and helping people have those “ah ha” moments.  I now have an avenue where I can grow and learn in my own way, with my own schedule and the only person that can hold me back is….me.