The End of 2016

We have been thinking about this past year and are amazed at all that has happened – getting a doctorate, starting a new business, kids going to school, celebrating our 10 year anniversary, and on and on.  Sure, we can all dwell on the negative, but it feels so much better to focus on the good.  When we told people we were starting a new business we could see in their eyes the look of worry, doubt and fear.  And no matter how good their intention was, it was obvious that they didn’t understand…especially when we had decent jobs already.  So why change?  Why risk so much?  Risk…what an interesting word.  What most people consider risk, few people understand that risk is just a necessary step that is required in order for big opportunities to happen.

We decided to change and continue to grow because we refuse to be part of the rat race.  Just because our parents and their parents did it, doesn’t make it right. The few who made it big in life are no different than you and I except in one area…they DECIDED to change and were PERSISTENT.  So what tangible things have our decision and persistence gotten us?

If you look at our world around us, there isn’t anything that is very different….yet.  You can’t see the petals of a rose unfold, but once it unfolds it is beautiful and miraculous.  Everything takes time to manifest, which is why PERSISTENCE is so vital.  Most of what has changed has been within – what we think about, what we focus on, how we communicate, and our dedication to what we want.  You may not see the tangible results yet, but keep your eye on us, 2017 is going to bring about huge changes for us!

Here is to expecting greatness,

Jess and Jeramy Belnap